Practical Agility Code of Ethics
We set out this code of ethics to reinforce our commitment to being a trusted partner to our clients, to display transparency with our clients about how we work together with them, and to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards of coaching and consulting standards.
To that end, we commit to the following:
We are always working for our clients' benefit and will take actions that we think will bring positive benefit to them
We understand that being welcomed to work with people in our clients' organizations is an awesome responsibility which we always take seriously
We have responsibility to everyone we coach in our clients' organizations to treat them with respect, sincerity, honesty, and transparency
We respect that our clients understand their businesses better than anyone else, including us, and will defer to our clients in ultimate decisions about how to apply agile and lean principles to their organization
When we have differing opinions than one of our clients, we believe we have a responsibility to share our opinions in a respectful and cooperative manner rather than keeping the opinions to ourselves
If we are asked to do something that we believe is unethical or against our principles or that we think would be harmful to others, we will politely decline to do so, and if appropriate, step away from a client engagement
While we enter our client engagements with a great deal of experience, skill, and wisdom related to organizational change, agile development, and consulting, we strive to always be open-minded to different ideas and perspectives and bring a healthy recognition of the unknowns involved in the complexity of introducing and sustaining organizational change
We understand that each organization is unique and therefore will avoid following a pre-determined or cookie-cutter approach, preferring instead to understand the unique people, needs, skills, constraints, and opportunities in the organization and working together to co-create a living and flexible plan of action appropriate for that organization
We respect and honor the need for client confidentiality and will only use a client's confidential information on a need-to-know basis and for the exclusive benefit of the client
If we do not have the skills to deliver a desired or needed service, we will let our clients know and where possible, recommend other coaches or consultants who are positioned with the appropriate skills to address their needs
We will meet organizations and individuals where they are, not where we would like them to be in regards to agile or lean practices
We will provide good news and bad news with equal speed and importance as part of our commitment to full transparency
We look to develop expertise, knowledge, and autonomy within our clients' organizations as a necessary and critical component to driving positive and enduring change within our client organizations
We believe that a diverse and inclusive environment leads to the best ideas, solutions, and outcomes and will work to foster diversity and inclusivity in our work with our clients' organizations
We also agree with and strive to follow the following industry ethical guidelines: